I’m a remedial reading teacher who is passionate about helping children learn and love to read. Sharing books with my students is a highlight when I meet with them one on one, or in group settings.I tailor each classroom or library presentation to the children in front of me, sharing my experiences as a storyteller, researcher, and writer in order to inspire them to read for the love of it and to tell and write their own stories.
My mid-grade novel THE GIRL FROM THE ATTIC is a time travel story set in Northumberland County, Ontario. Its themes explore friendship, challenging health issues, loss, and finding one’s place in the family.
My new picture book WHO’S WALKING DAWG? is a humorous romp about a dog whose family is too busy to walk him. When he takes matters into his own paws and slips outside for a leg-lift, his family scatters like a panic of rabbits to find him.
Picture Book for WHO’S WALKING DAWG? for K-2
Workshop includes reading the book, discussing the illustrations, sharing pet stories, Q&A about book’s backstory.
Storytelling with Q & A for Grades 3-5, featuring THE GIRL FROM THE ATTIC
Workshop includes readings from the book, sharing its backstory (historical research) and answering writer’s life questions about how the book was written.
Nuts and Bolts of Editing One’s Own Writing for Grades 3-5
This workshop includes brainstorming creative writing ideas (“what if”), using a writer’s notebook, working with learning buddies, rereading to check spelling & grammar, and using examples from the editing process of THE GIRL FROM THE ATTIC to demonstrate how one edits own writing.
Classroom, library, workshop visits:
Virtual – on Zoom or Google Meets with school or library hosting the event.
$150 for one 40-60 minute session, $125 for each additional session on same day
In Person – $225 for one session, $400 for two, $600 for three, $800 for full day (4 sessions), plus travel fee of .50/km round trip